No one wishes to get involved in a car accident. Within an instant, the situation of your life is likely to change forever. Rollover accidents are by far the most frightening of all. Most people are terrified of such accidents due to the extreme fatality rate, and the trauma caused by the tragedy.

Unfortunately, if you or your loved one gets in such a situation, then one is more likely to come out with severe and life-threatening injuries. Therefore, it is vital to seek the services of an experienced and skilled Jacksonville Personal Injury Attorney to help you cope with the severe injuries by fighting for your financial compensation. This can make a difference in getting the compensation you deserve.

What is a Rollover Accident?

Such crashes have elevated fatality rates. It is attributable to the speed of the automobile, along with the impact it results in on the persons on-board. Generally, such accidents occur after the operator loses control of the motor vehicle and then slips or rolls to one side. Usually, people assume that rollover accidents are common in sports utility vehicles (SUVs) and trucks based on their size, weight load, and vehicle's center of gravity. Surprisingly, it is also can happen with smaller cars and sedans if the conditions are right.

In recent years, according to Florida DMV records, the rate of accidents on our roads, to be specific in Florida, has been on the rise. This increase may be due to certain factors that will be highlighted more in the course of the article. There is a high possibility that the most vigilant and skilled drivers are likely to be involved in a crash in their livelihoods at some point.

Types of Rollover Accidents

Any road user has a probability of getting involved in an accident when a slight mistake is made. Thousands of fatalities recorded each year as a result of rollover accidents in Florida are attributed to certain factors, such as the type of vehicle, any influence of intoxicating substances if restrictions were applied, the kind of weather conditions, speeding, to mention a few. Be sure to keep in mind the severity of the rollover accident, so you need to be careful not to make any such mistakes. Such accidents can occur in one of the following two ways:

  1. Untripped Rollover

These are less recurrent than tripped rollovers. Untripped rollover crashes occur when an operator of the vehicle turns the corner too quickly and loses control or tips the car. According to NHTSA research data, untripped rollover rarely happens in a probability of less than 10 percent. In most scenarios, heavy motor vehicles, such as trucks, busses, to name a few, are involved. As an alternative to a stationary object that may cause a car to roll over, untripped rollovers are more often than not explained as an escape maneuver by the driver to avoid a high-speed collision. Such maneuvers make it challenging to control the vehicle. 

  1. Tripped Rollover

It is the most frequent type of rollover. A tripped rollover occurs when a vehicle collides with an external force or a stationary object that causes a trip, leading to it rolling over. According to research, a tripped rollover transpires in single-vehicles 95% of the time. This happens when a motor vehicle exits the road and falls sideways, grinding its tires into soft ground or hitting an obstacle such as a guardrail or sidewalk. In these instances, the intense force imparted to the tires can make the car to roll over. Therefore, such a rollover can be cataloged into three types as follows:

Ramping on Objects Tripped Rollover

A case whereby an operator of a passenger car is driving at high speed then suddenly swerves off the left side of the road. Not knowing that there is a guardrail ahead, he/she attempts to evade the object by steering the car to the other side. This consequently causes the automobile to fly, leading it to roll over. Another instance is whereby a vehicle traveling at high speed, tries to ride upon a guardrail, which forces it to roll over.

Soft Ground Tripped Rollover

Tripped rollover can occur when an SUV operator goes down a roadway at high speed swerves off to the left side of the road, tries to recuperate the situation by veering too harshly to the right, and forces the automobile to turn over as its wheels plowing into the soft ground. A driver may also get involved in such an accident in a case whereby the weather conditions interfered with the visibility, thus making the vehicle go through an object that trips it off the road to soft ground.

A Steep Slope Tripped Rollover

Another type of tripped rollover may occur when an SUV gradually moves in an off-road surrounding as it rides down a steep hill. This may result in a reduction in the center of gravity of the SUV, which makes it vulnerable to roll over. The operator misapprehends the steepness of the hill as an attempt is made to turn right. The car spins over and falls down the steep hill. Tripping might as well occur in brutal slopes in an off-road environment. A case whereby the hill is too steep to keep the automobile on its wheels, then it is more likely to topple over.

Causes of Rollover Accidents

According to the statistical records by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), most cases of fatal crashes recorded annually result from rollover accidents and thus have been influenced by several factors. Rollovers are complex and violent accidents. Mostly, they focus on the interaction of the motorists, the environment as well as the vehicle.

Thus, while the type of car plays a noteworthy function, other factors, like driving behavior, road, and environmental conditions, may also influence the vehicle to roll over. It is essential to seek the services of a proficient attorney without delay. They will help you seek full compensation for the damages incurred as well as compensation for your injuries. Some of the causes of a rollover accident are as follows:

  1. Overloaded Vehicle

It is recommended that a particular weight load be carried, which is likewise suitable for the car. The weight amount of mass is acknowledged for different types of vehicles. If the motorist has overloaded the car, it increases the possibility of the car overturning. The burden on the top of the car reduces the center of gravity, thus increasing the likelihood of the vehicle rolling over.

  1. Drifting

To car enthusiasts, drifting is a technique whereby the motorist oversteers the wheels to lose traction of the rear wheels while maintaining the control and driving an automobile. However, it is risky when it pulls to the side of the road. This is dangerous and more likely will raise a cause for concern. Veering into different lanes is more often an outcome of unfocused driving or driving while exhausted. For that reason, they can be applied as reasons to rollover accidents.

  1. Losing Control

The most common cause of a rollover accident is a driver losing control of the automobile. If a driver realizes that he is veering off into a different lane, he/she may twitch the wheel to attempt to recover to where the vehicle needs to be. By trying this, the overcorrections by the driver cause a vigorous action that can lead to loss of control, thus overturning of the vehicle.

  1. Hitting a Stationary Trip Object

A stationary trip object is an obstacle on the roadway that a motorist may be able to thump over, causing the car to spin over. Hitting a curb or other obstructions on the way may throw off a car's center of gravity. These include a ditch, guard rail, to mention a few. If a vehicle strikes one of these obstacles while at forward momentum, it may spin over.

  1. Making Risky Maneuvers

Aggressive driving is another cause of rollover accidents. Some of these risky maneuvers include swerving at high speeds, taking turns recklessly, to mention a few. When a motorist is speeding and then starts making lane changes, the operator can quickly lose control of their vehicle and roll-over. Such quick maneuvers cause friction between the tires and the highway's surface, causing the car to tip to the side and flip over.

  1. Poor Conditions of the Road

Aside from the fault of the driver are the environmental factors. In a location whereby the roads are in a bad state, it may more likely contribute to rollover accidents. Locals may be able to know how the terrain and roads are. However, for the visitors in the area, it may be a hassle. Poor roadway conditions may result from neglected maintenance, inadequate signage, or uneven pavements. All these mechanisms might cause a rollover.

  1. Mechanical Issues

A motor vehicle needs to be in excellent and pristine condition to guarantee the safety of the driver. In a case whereby the suspension systems are faulty, the car might lose its stability, thus causing it to lose control. At high speeds, such a vehicle is more likely to flip over hence causing a rollover accident. Among other mechanical issues are the conditions of the tires, service checks, to mention a few.

What are the Safety Measures to Avoid a Rollover Accident?

Every time you get behind the wheel of a vehicle or in a passenger seat, there is always a probability of getting involved in an accident. Although you can't control any predicament, such as the weather, driving conditions, or other motorists on the roadway, you can take some safety precautions to reduce your chances of being involved in an accident. Keep up with the following best practices to assist you in protecting yourself from a rollover accident:

Drive while Sober

It's always a bad idea to drink alcoholic beverages while driving. Drinking while driving puts your life, as well as the passengers on board, in grave danger. This is because it causes destruction, thus losing focus on the road. You may end up making the wrong decisions. If the driver is intoxicated, the driver's judgment, vision, and coordination of the car may be compromised.

Although taking a quick turn is a problem for someone sober, it will most certainly be more difficult and dangerous for an intoxicated motorist. If this happens, then one is likely to roll over the car within a split second. Therefore it is best always to drive while sober.

Stay Focused on the Road

Most rollover accidents are caused by minor errors that could have been avoided. For example, a driver who is busy on the phone while driving is likely to lose control, thus leading to a car rolling over. So when you're driving, that's all you're supposed to do. Keep away from any other activity that does not involve driving. This includes eating, drinking, reading, texting, or talking on the phone. Also, in a situation where roads are messy and in poor conditions, you need to focus most of your attention on driving.

Drive within the Speed Limits

Excessive speed kills. According to statistics from NHTSA, speeding is the most significant factor that has mostly contributed to rollover accidents in Florida. A point to note is that most of the accidents have been linked to areas with posted speed limits. Therefore, it is always best and safe to drive at moderate speeds, which safeguard your life as well as other road users. Note that, depending on the conditions, the speed limit set is not always a safe speed. Adjust your pace to the situations accordingly.

Know your Vehicle

Every motorist or operator needs to understand their cars. Every car has the potential to roll over when the set conditions are right. For instance, if you are driving an SUV, you need to comprehend the level of the center of gravity along with the weight of the automobile. Based on the SUV's size, it is more likely to lose its stability while at an extreme forward momentum. Therefore, knowing your car is very crucial to avoid a rollover accident.

Have Your Seatbelts Always on

Most people prefer driving without their seat belts buckled up. It may seem like a meager belt. However, it goes a long way towards saving your life. Assuming you get involved in a rollover accident, the violent nature of the incident causes things to be tossed around inside the vehicle, or even ejected from the car. Being ejected from a moving car can lead to devastating lesions such as spinal cord injuries, traumatic head, and brain injuries, to name a few and death. This explains why Florida laws stress out the urge of road users to put on their safety belts while on board.

Common Injuries and Losses Experienced in Rollover Accidents

A rollover accident is severe and may result in catastrophic injuries. Such crashes appear to be brutal, and many factors contribute to it, including the driver's skill, the type of car, and environmental factors. Some examples of automobiles are more likely to roll over, such as SUVs, buses, and pick-up trucks, due to their lower center of gravity.

In a case whereby you or a loved one has been involved in a rollover accident that was caused by a negligent driver, you may be granted compensation for the injuries and other expenses incurred. Affirm the services of a proficient Personal Injury Law Attorney for support in getting your compensation for the injuries suffered. This will help to cover the costs of medical bills, suffering, and loss of working capacity. Several kinds of injuries are prevalent in rollover crashes, and they comprise the following:

  1. Spinal Cord Injuries

Rollover accidents are dreaded due to their violent nature. The tremendous force resulting from the impact is likely to inflict pain on the victim's neck and back area. Such injuries can lead to significant damage to the spinal cord. A victim of spinal cord injury may be left impaired, paralyzed, or be forced to join an ongoing life term medical care program that is costly.

  1. Brain or Head Injuries

A person who survives a rollover accident will suffer lesions such as deep cuts to the head, skull fracture, and lacerations to the face. Brain injuries may have a lasting effect on the quality of life of the person, mainly if the seat belt does not tightly secure them. Trauma to the brain may leave the victim in a state of permanent disability, motor and cognitive impairment, and paralysis.

  1. Loss of Limbs, Amputations and Organ Damage

Fractured arms, ankles, legs, and other bones are common. They are caused by multiple hits that often happen during rollover accidents. It can also leave victims with severe internal injuries. One thing that makes organ damage one of the gravest injuries is that it is not always easy to detect at first glance. This impairs the quality of life of a person in immense ways. In addition to the injuries sustained, one is also likely to suffer phantom pain as well as costly medical expenses.

  1. Paralysis

A victim of a rollover accident is likely to suffer from paralysis due to the strong force hitting his or her back and head. This bang is more likely to cause damage to the spinal cord as well as experience brain trauma. Such conditions force the victim to struggle against several obstacles, which are made even more intricate by the staggering costs of living with paralysis, medical expenses, and failure to get any employment in the future.

  1. Passing Away of the Victim

As indicated above, a rollover accident is more likely to be fatal. Therefore, the unfortunate victims may leave a massive burden on their loved ones who are grieving for the loss. Usually, mourning families often face substantial medical bills, funeral costs, and loss of income.

There is a chance of pain and mental illness if you or a loved one has survived a rollover accident. For the reason that these are highly traumatic incidents, it's hard for some individuals to get back behind the wheel — let alone in a vehicle. A long-term need for care and treatment may arise from physical injuries and damage to the body. It is for that reason vital to request for the services of a knowledgeable and experienced Jacksonville Personal Injury Attorney to help you cope with the severe injuries in aggressively fighting for your financial compensation.

Compensation for Rollover Accident Injuries

You are entitled to compensation for your injuries if you were injured in a rollover accident caused by another’s negligence. In such types of incidents, you will be required to demonstrate the cause of the crash. A situation in which the cause of the mishap was terrible road conditions, you can sue based on road conditions. If this wasn't the roadway's fault, but a kind of malfunction in the technicalities of your vehicle, then you might choose to seize the claim.

The amount of reimbursement you are entitled to may vary. Conversely, some of the things you may be able to receive monetary awards include; lost wages, medical expenses as well as the pain and suffering incurred.

In the state of Florida, there is a strict liability law for which you can make a claim. The period for this is tight. Therefore, one must follow the timeline to ensure that the claim is made within the set timeframe.

Find a Jacksonville Personal Injury Attorney Near Me

Being involved in a rollover accident could leave you upset, frustrated, and uncertain where to turn. You have rights when someone else is to blame. If you or a loved one has endured injuries in a rollover accident in Jacksonville, FL, feel free to contact our Jacksonville Personal Injury Attorney at 904-800-7557 for a free consultation. Our team of experts is here to ease your pressure and support you in these troubled times. We will help you get the reimbursement you deserve for your increased medical expenses, loss of earnings, and pain.